Our Family

Kevin, my husband and a true strength in my life. He is passionate about family and loves spending time hanging together. We met our junior year of high school in Mrs. Jensen’s Health class. Kevin will tell you that he actually saw me the winter before on a school ski trip and knew then he needed to meet me. Well the Lord had a plan, as always.

Kevin asked me to homecoming that year and so our first date was October 14, 1978. We had a great time, but didn’t start dating regularly until the following summer. June 13, 1979 and it’s been a roller coaster of joy ever since. We married on October 14, 1984 and never even knew that was our first date until years later when going through Kevin’s jewelry box and found the ticket stub from the dance.  I know, so sweet.

We have owned a retail specialty shop together, we are skiers, we love to hike and visit family and friends.

But most importantly, the Lord has blessed us with a strong marriage, two amazing children, a home filled with love and a faith that is centered in Christ.

Jaclyn is our beautiful daughter. She is an inspiration to me. She is filled with a faith that is apparent through how she treats others. As an eighth grade Social Studies teacher, cares for so many students in the Phoenix area. She teaches me all the time (I really didn’t like history in school, so I am always learning interesting stuff from her now). Although I miss her terribly, I love the woman she is and so proud of her passionately pursuing her career. She lives in Scottsdale, but come home in the summers and every long weekend she can.

Zachary is my amazing son. He is compassionate and giving. He is committed to his faith and is never shy about sharing faith with others. Zach is a software developer and loves to solve the challenge presented. He is a steady presence in my often upside down life. He is usually pretty quiet but when he talks it’s thoughtful and intelligent.

Best family in WORLD!

Your thoughts warm my heart and strengthen my path, thanks for commenting on my journey,